EnergyAustralia stands behind the climate change targets the company established in 2007 because they take their environmental responsibilities seriously. Investing in new, low, and zero emissions technologies while taking measures to reduce their own carbon footprint, EnergyAustralia actively contributes to creating a cleaner, greener, Australia. Their participation in research and development projects is also just the beginning.
Energy plays an important role in our daily lives. EnergyAustralia is certain that by providing renewable clean energy options they can make it easy for us all to improve our quality of life, health, and the future. This is the reason that a long-term view governs daily business decisions and activity - a fairly unique concept in the industry today.With an impressive portfolio of electricity generation and storage facilities (including coal, gas, wind and solar power), EnergyAustralia has already made themselves one of the largest utilities companies in the country. Their focus on sustainability is equally met by their commitment to a range of clean energy initiatives. They are taking a smart and efficient approach to everything they do, working so you don't have to, making sure to cut through the complexity and deliver efficient and cost effective options for everyone.
Switching to one of the GreenPower government accredited PureEnergy options is the easiest way for your household to help reduce the environmental impact of electricity generation in Australia. PureEnergy plans were developed with individuals and families in mind. There are incentives for those who decide to switch or add PureEnergy to their current plan that could mean significant savings on your service bill. EnergyAustralia encourages everyone to take part in their vision of a cleaner and cost-effective future. In addition to PureEnergy plans they offer an easy to navigate, free, online resource for all of their customers called e-Wise where you will find tips, tools, and tricks to save money and reduce energy waste everywhere.
Knowing and understanding that individual needs require individual service plans, EnergyAustralia incorporates flexibility into their wide selection of energy plans. Their mission is to make life simpler. EnergyAustralia helps businesses by analysing energy and emissions for them. They offer to collate bills for corporations with 10 different sites or more, will deliver a consolidated summary of charges for electricity and gas accounts, and are prepared to send reports via email so businesses can review each of their individual locations in an easy to interpret Excel spread sheet.
As one of Australia's largest energy companies EnergyAustralia does what they can to help. "Supporting Australian communities is important to us. We've developed strategic partnerships with respected organizations to support Australian sport and the communities in which we operate, helping improve local amenities and the environment." Overall, the efficient business decisions EnergyAustralia is known for creates superior value for shareholders, customers, employees and the wider community.
For tips on encouraging behaviour change to installing more energy-efficient equipment and lighting, EnergyAustralia provides suggestions through their e-Wise online education portal to help you and your business reduce your impact on the environment, and your budget. In addition, EnergyAustralia is working on a range of projects using brown coal to reduce their carbon emissions. Victoria’s carbon capture and storage project, CarbonNet, is a carbon capture and storage project supported by the Victorian and Federal Governments. In partnership with Loy Yang Power, a second study looked at a post-combustion carbon capture plant (PCC), which was also based on Mitsubishi Heavy Industries’ technology. EnergyAustralia continues to work with its partners on other high-efficiency brown coal generation options that could significantly reduce carbon and other atmospheric emissions.
Green energy comes from natural resources such as the sun, wind and water. Harnessing natural energy generates clean power. EnergyAustralia also participates in research and development projects with Monash University and Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) for longer term innovations that could significantly reduce the cost of low emissions power generation from brown coal. They are also working with a range of parties to develop technologies that produce coal-derived products, including coal drying and conversion of brown coal to liquids, gases and chemicals. These could add significant value to brown coal and alternatives to electricity generation.
“We work with organizations that have been carefully chosen on the basis of their reputation, the results they achieve and their relevance to the broader community”.
Sponsorships include communities around: