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Electricity Community

Clean Energy Council

Clean Energy Council

The CEC or Clean Energy Council is an industry association of over 600 companies all active in the fields of energy efficiency and renewable energy. This incorporated association is not-for-profit and gets its funding from membership fees and proceeds from organised events. Its primary roles are to further the cause of clean energy technologies in Australia and to promote awareness of the industry through events, the media, meetings and newsletters.

Consumer Utilities Advocacy Centre Victoria

Consumer Utilities Advocacy Centre Victoria

Consumer Utilities Advocacy Centre (CUAC) was formed in 2002 for pro-active identification and advocacy of Victorian utility consumer issues and representation of their interests before regulators and policymakers. This ensures that due consideration is given to consumer interests while developing and implementing electricity, gas and water policies.

Green Power

Green Power

GreenPower is a voluntary government accreditation program, designed to enable retailers to purchase renewable energy on their customers' behalf. All GreenPower-accredited energy is guaranteed to meet all relevant environmental standards. As such, customers get the opportunity to help the environment and support new renewable energy infrastructure by purchasing GreenPower products from their energy retailer. GreenPower is supported by all Australian state governments and